The 1950s set Inspector Ryga Mystery series features Scotland Yard detective, Ryga, who is sent out to investigate baffling coastal crimes.
Ryga, a former German prisoner-of-war, teams up with former war photographer, Eva Paisley, in the first in the series, DEATH IN THE COVE set on the Island of Portland, Dorset, and again in DEATH IN THE HARBOUR set in Newhaven Port, East Sussex. It is a partnership set to continue and destined to solve many more a multi-layered coastal crimes.
Ryga's experience at sea, and as a prisoner-of-war, has made him unique in his approach to solving coastal based crimes. He's observant, analytical and reflective. He's witnessed compassion, cruelty, cowardice and heroism, mental breakdown and despair. He’s made a promise to himself that whatever happens after the war he’ll keep an open mind and never judge.
Whereas Ryga is quiet, reflective, analytical, Eva is very self-assured. She’s forthright, sociable, and comfortable in her own skin, professional with a successful career, a formidable reputation behind her, along with a taste for danger. Her observations seen through the lens of her camera are disturbing, enlightening and thought provoking.
They make a formidable team - villains beware!
Published in paperback, ebook, Amazon Kindle, Kobo, Apple Books, Google Books and as an audio book, narrated by Jonathan Rhodes and published by B7 Media available on Audible.